Αποθέωση για την σειρά Τhe Haunting of Bly Manor – Cineramen


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Η σειρά του Netflix The Haunting of Hill House είναι σίγουρα μια από τις καλύτερες που βγήκαν τελευταία, θα έχει μια δεύτερη σεζόν με τίτλο Τhe Haunting of Bly Manor που αποθεώνεται με 93% στο Rotten Tomatoes και 27 κριτικές, που θα δείτε παρακάτω.

  • Hannah Lodge, Screen Rex

The Haunting of Bly Manor is even better than The Haunting of Hill House

  • Nate Adams, The Only CriticOctober 5, 2020

Creator Mike Flanagan creates a solid foundation of enchanting characters and a pristine Gothic setting for “The Haunting of Bly Manor” despite it being less eventful and scary than “The Haunting of Hill House.”

  • Lindsey Romain, Nerdist

Flanagan’s horror is the tender sort; his great big heart beats through the scarier fare. But that heart feels appropriate for Bly Manor. It’s a less dark place than Hill House. A great, good place, even. Just beware of the hallways at night.

  • Charlie Ridgely, ComicBook.com

Honestly, the biggest knock against The Haunting of Bly Manor is that it has the unfortunate task of following The Haunting of Hill House. It’s bound to leave most horror fans satisfied by the time it comes to a close. 3/5

  • Cheryl Eddy, io9.com

If we didn’t care so much about these characters-even the ones who do terrible things and then continue to be terrible-Bly Manor wouldn’t be as moving and suspenseful as it is throughout.

  • Patrick Cremona, Radio Times

It’s tremendously difficult to sustain an atmosphere of terror over a nine-episode stretch… with several genuinely horrifying figures seen inhabiting the manor and occasional moments that will undoubtedly cause viewers to audibly shriek. 4/5

  • David Griffin, IGN Movies

Punctuated by some captivating performances from Henry Thomas and T’Nia Miller, The Haunting of Bly Manor may not reach the same level of in-your-face horror combined with emotional depth that Hill House does, but it gets pretty close. 7/10

  • Daniel D’Addario, VarietyOctober 5, 2020

Flanagan did not get lucky this time, and this second “Haunting” series looks less like the alternative it might have been and more like “American Horror Story”: a show with a lot to recommend it but precious little in the way of cohesion.

  • Sadie Gennis, TV Guide

The Haunting of Bly Manor is an entertaining and evocative followup to Hill House, despite never quite reaching the heights of its predecessor. 3.5/5

James Dyer, Empire Magazine

This is a fireside ghost story deftly told, with a sumptuous setting and surprises aplenty… But following in the phantom footsteps of such an accomplished debut, Bly Manor’s wraiths seem mere shadows of what has come before. 3/5

  • Jack Shepherd, SFX Magazine

Luckily, Bly Manor’s more than good enough to overcome the pint glass sized error (god, I miss the pub) and horror fans will marvel once more at Flanagan’s command of the genre. 3.5/5

  • Vinnie Mancuso, Collider

Bly Manor might not be scary but it certainly sticks in your brain long after it’s over, because stories-like houses, like people-don’t have to horrify to be haunting.

  • Nick Allen, RogerEbert.com

In its attempt to escape the shadow of Hill House, Bly Manor takes a misguided pivot into gothic soap opera, stranding its performers and fans in the process. 2/4

  • Jenn Adams, Consequence of Sound

Bly Manor is not Hill House, but left to its own devices, this Haunting offers a beautiful examination of love and the ways we hold onto what we’ve lost.

  • Gena Radcliffe, The Spool

Like Hill House, it’s not terrifying, exactly, but it sets a chilling mood, one that makes looking at your own reflection a tense experience.

Chris Evangelista, Slashfilm

A disappointing follow-up to Hill House. 7/10

Josh Wilding, ComicBookMovie.com

A lack of serious scares and an all-too familiar ghost story mean The Haunting of Bly Manor fails to live up to its predecessor, but there are some clever concepts and the cast and characters are “perfectly splendid.” 3/5

Ben Rolph, Discussing Film

Full of mind-bending revelations, horrifying moments, happiness, personality and endless fascination, The Haunting of Bly Manor is not to be missed. It’s perhaps the finest and most perfectly splendid show of the year. 5/5

Tessa Smith, Mama’s Geeky

Perfectly splendid in almost every way, The Haunting of Bly Manor is a Gothic and tragic love story at its core. Dark, creepy, and suspenseful. 4/5

Shaun Munro, Flickering Myth

Mike Flanagan continues to prove himself a modern horror master with this sumptuous, heartbreaking, and frequently surprising gothic romance. 4/5

Lewis Knight, Daily Mirror (UK)

The Haunting of Bly Manor is a chilling and heartbreaking follow-up to Hill House with a classically Gothic tale full of romance and ghouls. 4/5

Alvaro Corujo, nostagefright.net

Mike Flanagan has managed to maintain the spirit of Hill House with a different approach and a new style. The season will not disappoint you but it’s not better than Hill House. 4/5

Nicholas Caruso, TV LineSeptember 18, 2020

A subdued tone and fresh approach help this Turn of the Screw adaptation stand on its own feet. Cue the soul-crushing grief.

Kimberly Roots, TV Line

Season 2, loosely based on Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw, has me simultaneously freaked out and moved, just like the plight of the Crain children did in Season 1.

Michael Ausiello, TV Line

Spooky, well-timed lightning has indeed struck twice: The streamer’s follow-up to 2018’s The Haunting of Hill House is as gripping and grounded as its predecessor.

H δεύτερη σεζόν είναι εμπνευσμένη από το μυθιστόρημα του Henry James The Turn of The Screw. Το μυθιστόρημα ακολουθεί την ιστορία μιας γκουβερνάντας που έχει αναλάβει να φροντίζει δύο παιδιά, σε ένα σπίτι που βρίσκεται σε μακρινή τοποθεσία. Πολύ σύντομα, καταλαβαίνει ότι το σπίτι είναι στοιχειωμένο και δεν μπορεί να κατανοήσει αρκετά φαινομενικά φυσιολογικά πράγματα.

Η σκηνοθεσία είναι των Mike Flanagan, Ben Howling, Ciarán Foy, Liam Gavin, Axelle Carolyn, ενώ πρωταγωνιστούν οι Victoria Pedretti, Oliver Jackson-Cohen,  Henry Thomas, Kate Siegel, Catherine Parker, Benjamin Ainsworth,  Amelia Smith, κ.α. Η πρεμιέρα είναι στις 9 Οκτωβρίου.


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