Αποθέωση του Chris Hemsworth στην νέα mindfuck ταινία Spiderhead του Netflix – Cineramen


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Ο Chris Hemsworth ξεκίνησε στο Netflix, με την ταινία Extraction, για την οποία είχαμε γράψει την άποψη μας, ενώ τώρα θα τον δούμε σε μια νέα φαντασίας με τίτλο Spiderhead και οι πρώτες κριτικές τον αποθεώνουν.

Saw #Spiderhead theatrically a few days ago. A cool sci-fi thriller that almost plays out like a super slick, feature version of Black Mirror with an A-list cast. I mean that in a good way. Really enjoyed it.
— JoBlo.com (@joblocom) June 11, 2022

“Spiderhead” was bizarre, nutty & wild all at once.It felt like a film they chose to do while waiting for another better project to come by.Chris Hemsworth ludicrously redefined the look & wackiness of a mad scientist.#Spiderhead #Netflix #Movies #FilmTwitter #ChrisHemsworth pic.twitter.com/zoxnecKjsR
— Rama’s Screen | Екран Рами 🇺🇦 (@RamasScreen) June 11, 2022

#Spiderhead is Joseph Kosinski’s second home run of the year, an atmospheric and unsettlingly claustrophobic thriller that is much funnier/weirder than the marketing suggests, led by a trio of outstanding performances (Chris Hemsworth is unbelievable) and a yacht rock soundtrack. pic.twitter.com/kXLNeYxMnE
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) June 11, 2022

Joseph Kosinski’s #Spiderhead does clever stuff w/ its sharp, lean premise & has good, dark fun exploring blossoming, character-driven twists. Miles Teller & Chris Hemsworth deliver strong work. Sleek production & costume design get top marks. Killer score & Yacht Rock soundtrack pic.twitter.com/3BE1Jzl361
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) June 11, 2022

After a choppy start, #Spiderhead has an interesting concept about controlling the human body. The story is strong & the performances elevate the script. This is my favourite Hemsworth performance. Teller & Smollett were wonderful. That soundtrack is 🔥 & Kosinski does deliver! pic.twitter.com/z8o9JAFrgx
— manda 🏳️‍🌈🫶🏼 (@amxndareviews) June 11, 2022

Got the chance to see #netflix #spiderhead early! Great concept (based on a short story worth reading) that felt very Philip K. Dick. Enjoyable performances, snappy direction, killer use of song placement, and an exceptional score by @JoeComposer! I say watch it.
— Owen Danoff (@owendanoff) June 11, 2022

Got the chance to see #netflix #spiderhead early! Great concept (based on a short story worth reading) that felt very Philip K. Dick. Enjoyable performances, snappy direction, killer use of song placement, and an exceptional score by @JoeComposer! I say watch it.
— Owen Danoff (@owendanoff) June 11, 2022

#Spiderhead cleverly examines the complexities & dangers of love, loss, & regret. Hemsworth is a blast to watch while Jurnee and Miles performances provide an emotional depth to their characters that forces the audience to delve deeper into the darkest secrets of their souls. pic.twitter.com/slrHJzs4KI
— Sharronda Williams (@payorwait) June 11, 2022

Η ταινία εξελίσσεται στο όχι και τόσο μακρινό μέλλον εκεί όπου δίνεται στους κατάδικους η ευκαιρία να γίνουν εθελοντές σε ιατρικές δοκιμές, για να εκτίσουν μικρότερη ποινή. Ωστόσο, δυο από αυτούς γίνονται πειραματόζωα σε μια νέα δοκιμή η οποία αλλάζει και διεγείρει τα συναισθήματα. Έτσι λειπόν κλει …
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