Aποθεωτικές οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις για την ταινία Lightyear – Cineramen


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Στην νέα spinoff ταινία Lightyear ο Chris Evans θα δανείσει την φωνή του στον κεντρικό χαρακτήρα του Buzz Lightyear (από τις ταινίες Toy Story φυσικά), ενώ πλέον υπάρχουν οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις που την αποθεώνουν.

#ChrisEvans shines as #BuzzLightyear while SOX THE CAT is the absolute show stealer and instantly becomes one of my favorite side kicks in any Pixar film.
— David Gonzalez (@ReelTalkInc) June 9, 2022

#Lightyear is exactly what Pixar fans likely expected: it’s fun, it’s exciting, and it’s one of the most visually stunning films in their portfolio. Still, the most impressive accomplishment is introducing us to a new Buzz that is both familiar and entirely fresh. pic.twitter.com/LHb6xfUIPQ
— Ben Kendrick (@benkendrick) June 9, 2022

Pixar’s #Lightyear is a BLAST & a half! Big, exciting, emotional & goofy sci-fi that’s got STAR WARS vibes and even BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE vibes. Truly, it is fantastical storytelling at its absolute best. Loved every second – top tier Pixar for me. BIG recommend! pic.twitter.com/DObE9dledy
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) June 9, 2022

#Lightyear does everything a Buzz Lightyear film needs to do. The visuals are excellent, the core characters are likable, and Evans is a great choice. There are more than a few moments that will have fans cheering, and “Sox the cat” steals the show… Hilarious character. pic.twitter.com/vC0Lc6QxvE
— Austin Burke (@theBurk3nator) June 9, 2022

#Lightyear is a great ride! It was more than I expected in building a new world with charming characters.
It takes a moment to get going but once it blasts off, this mission is a success. It’s a lot of fun.
Definitely enjoyed it! pic.twitter.com/7S8jQ7zFEf
— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) June 9, 2022

#Lightyear is an epic, breathtaking love letter to sci-fi & its imaginative, compelling capabilities. Perfectly crafts a transportive, immersive, aesthetically appealing world & a poignant hero’s journey. @ChrisEvans does a terrific job coloring Buzz with a heapton of heart. pic.twitter.com/blywcN7qra
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) June 9, 2022

Sox is the superstar of #Lightyear, Pixar’s best film since SOUL, spectacular animation with an oddly affecting message: failing isn’t always “failing”, now someone get me that robotic cat — stat pic.twitter.com/W1V0b1NOro
— Maverick Weber (@ErickWeber) June 9, 2022

#LIGHTYEAR WILL TRANSPORT YOU TO INFINITY AND BEYOND. @AngusMacLane & @Pixar has created a GORGEOUSLY ANIMATED and VISUALLY STRIKING space adventure that deepens the Toy Story lore and love I’ve had for this character since 1995. @ChrisEvans is instantly iconic as #BuzzLightyear. pic.twitter.com/f5GUarVzu5
— Daniel Baptista – The Movie Podcast (@dbapz) June 9, 2022

Σκηνοθέτης είναι ο Angus MacLane, ενώ η ταινία …
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